Doctors of chiropractic are experts in the mechanics of the human body, comprehending its optimal functioning and capable of diagnosing and addressing spinal and limb-related conditions. All our chiropractors are registered with the General Chiropractic Council (GCC) and are recognized by all major health insurers.
At Precise, our chiropractors don't just address symptoms; they delve into the root cause of your condition. They provide personalized corrective exercises aimed at reducing the risk of re-injury, ensuring comprehensive care beyond symptom management.

Neck pain and stiffness are prevalent issues, often accompanied by discomfort across the upper shoulders, between the shoulder blades, headaches, and occasionally nerve symptoms extending into the arm and hand. These symptoms can stem from various factors such as prolonged static positions and repetitive tasks at work, previous neck injuries, as well as strain from poor posture during daily activities or even while sleeping.
Back pain is a highly common condition, affecting a large portion of adults. Around 80% of individuals will encounter one or more episodes of low back pain in their lifetime. For some, these episodes can be severe and recurrent. Certain forms of back pain may also lead to nerve-related symptoms in the lower limb, known as sciatica, which can affect anywhere from the buttocks to the toes.
Hip and knee pain can arise from various sources, including acute injuries, arthritis, or issues stemming from other areas of the body such as the pelvis, lower back, or foot. This discomfort can result in challenges and modifications in our walking pattern, potentially leading to secondary pain in other weight-bearing joints.
Headaches are a widespread issue among the general population, and many individuals believe they must endure them. Headaches frequently stem from issues in the upper neck region, known as cervicogenic headaches, as well as tension in the neck and shoulders, leading to tension headaches. Persistent headaches can significantly impact our family life, social activities, and work productivity.
Frequent causes of foot and ankle pain encompass recurring ligament sprains and plantar fasciitis, characterized by inflammation of the thick band of tissue spanning the bottom of the foot. This condition manifests as sharp pain beneath the foot and near the heel, typically experienced during initial steps in the morning or upon resuming movement after extended periods of sitting or standing.
Shoulder and elbow pain may result from a singular incident like a fall or sports-related injury. Alternatively, it can develop gradually due to repeated strain on the joint's structures over time, resulting in pain and limited mobility. Additionally, issues in the neck and upper back can often impact these areas and should be taken into account during treatment.
Joint restriction and muscle imbalance frequently contribute to pain among sports enthusiasts and professionals. However, these issues can sometimes be asymptomatic. Nevertheless, they may still result in performance limitations. Many elite athletes and sports teams include chiropractors as part of their medical staff and undergo regular check-ups to optimize their body's performance capabilities.
Throughout pregnancy, a woman's body experiences various changes, such as ligament softening, weight gain, and postural adjustments. These changes frequently result in heightened pressure and stress on the spine and pelvic joints, leading to discomfort. Chiropractors are equipped with a range of safe and gentle techniques tailored to alleviate the stresses and strains on the body during pregnancy and postpartum, offering relief for expecting mothers.
What to expect from your first visit:
Upon scheduling your initial consultation, you'll receive an email containing a health history form to complete prior to your appointment.
Upon arrival, your designated practitioner will escort you to our clinic room. You're welcome to bring along a family member, partner, or friend to accompany you during your visits.
Your chiropractor will conduct a comprehensive health history review, attentively listening to your symptoms to gain a thorough understanding of your overall well-being. They will then assess your injury or pain complaint, performing any necessary neurological or orthopedic tests.
Following the assessment, your chiropractor will provide a diagnosis and treatment plan, determining if chiropractic care is suitable for you.
If you agree to proceed with the proposed treatment plan, you'll be asked to provide written consent before the commencement of treatment.
Treatment may be initiated during the first visit if deemed clinically appropriate.